Bexxx Deville - Winter 2020 Cover Girl

I grew up on a farm near Grande Prairie, Alberta and though it's hard to believe looking at me now, I
 was a total tomboy until my mid-twenties! My Mom's family loves country music so I was taught at an 
early age to two-step and I still love to sing loudly to classic 80s/90s country when I'm in my car! My 
Dad listens to 50s/60s music and I developed a love for it as well, having huge crushes on Buddy Holly
 and Elvis in my early teens. Rockabilly was kind of a natural progression for me!

But even as a teen, I secretly wanted to emulate glamorous old Hollywood actresses like Liz Taylor, Ava 
Gardner and Hedy Lamarr. After a significant weight loss in 2010, I felt personally like I was ready to 
really follow my style goals and started pursuing pinup with a passion! Also in 2010 I helped establish
 a roller derby league in Grande Prairie and was a player and board member for almost 3 years. RIP
 knees!! Haha! BeXXX DeVille was my derby name and I still use it for my pinup alter ego. I've also had the
same signature pink/black hairstyle since then!

My husband and I are two of the founding members of our local hotrod car club and normally spend 
much of our time in the summer at shows and events in the car community. We have a 1935 Chevy pickup 
that hubby built back in 2012/13 and are currently working on a 1957 Oldsmobile 88 for me!! We love
 to travel when we can and have been to Viva Las Vegas every other year or so since 2010!
I love to thrift and collect vintage mid-century decor and clothing and have recently turned that into
an online reselling business called Pink Kitten Kollectibles. I'm looking forward to spending much more time
 on its success in the coming year and hope to one day turn it into a full-time gig!

Stay sassy my friends!!

Photos by: Miss Friend Photography


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