Keri Looijen Keri Looijen

Maker of the Week - Jen Ashley Jewelry

I’m Jennifer Rading and I own and operate Jen Ashley Jewelry. Designing jewelry has been my passion for over 20 years. My love for creating jewelry began when I made my Dad a necklace to wear on stage. My Dad, Brian Rading, was the original bassist for the Five Man Electrical Band and had the most eclectic jewelry collection. I wanted to make something special for his birthday, and so my first necklace was created. It was a proud moment to see my Dad wear something I designed for him on stage - I have the pictures to prove it lol. At that moment, I realized that jewelry tells two stories, one about the wearer and one about the designer. That revelation led me to where I am today and continues to inspire me and my designs. Since then, I have created thousands of pieces of jewelry, dozens of jewelry collections and worked with many different materials, including stainless steel. I prefer stainless steel as it embodies what my jewelry stands for; durability, beauty, and strength. It is also sustainable and 100% recyclable.

When I think of the True North Pin Up community, I think of empowered women standing for body positivity and full self-expression. I see the beauty in women represented in all colors, shapes, and sizes. I love that! My most precious jewelry collection (Strength Bracelet) was created for that reason; to enable women to feel strong and powerful wearing it.

When the opportunity to be featured in True North Pin Up magazine appeared, I was so inspired that I designed a jewelry line called the “Pin Up Power” Collection. Here are a few pieces from the new collection.

I designed the Strength Bracelet over 10 years ago incorporating stainless steel and leather (many colors to choose from). My Strength Bracelet tells the world that you bend, you do not break. It is a declaration of “I AM STRENGTH” and whatever you have been through, has made you stronger. After a near-death experience, it was important to me that the bracelet gave a deeper meaning, since it was designed to be strong. I also include an inspirational note that says “Tell the world about the person wearing this bracelet. Tell them I bend, I don’t break”. What makes this bracelet a special Pin Up piece is the addition of special charms specifically chosen to go with this bracelet. Strength bracelets

Even though I already make a wide range of earrings, when I saw bowtie earrings made from bowtie’s and charms, I had to add them to the collection. The patterns and colors (many colors to choose from)  truly embody the sweet charm of the women from that era. Confident, cute, and stylish, these earrings can be worn with any pin up girl fashion. Plus, they are so much fun to make; I love them!

The Pin Up style wouldn’t be the same without a small but defining necklace. I chose to include a delicate stainless steel chain with a cute bowtie pendant (many colors to choose from). The beauty of this necklace is in its simplicity and uniqueness and its ability to be worn with anything. I love these too! lol

Over the years, I have made countless pieces of jewelry, designed collections inspired by people, nature, or just moments in time. My mixed media collection, inspired by my Dad, includes bass guitar strings in the jewelry, While my signature angel wing bracelet, is inspired by collaboration and creativity and involves the wearer in the creative process. By choosing birthstones or favorite colors of loved ones, or yourself, you truly have a personalized, meaningful piece of jewelry that you helped design.

I am thrilled about my Pin Up Power collection, inspired by all you beautiful women who embody the strength of the True North Pin Up.

I welcome you to visit me on Facebook and Instagram to see more of my jewelry, as well as my website (which is still in the development stage, but soon to be open).

Come say hello to me at my storefront at the indoor year-round, Bountiful Farmers Market in Edmonton, Alberta.


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Keri Looijen Keri Looijen

Maggie Bow - Summer 2020 Cover Girl

Maggie Bow, A Pin Up Journey

written by Mondi Gale

Maggie Bow has begun many a journey beneath the mountains of Cape Town. As a fashion designer and successful entrepreneur, she loves to explore to find inspiration and bring joy to all she comes in contact with. She runs her own vintage-inspired online store, designs for her two clothing brands Miss Happ and Boot Hill, and is the fabulous woman behind the Hair Care Range, Parade Hair. Some call her a fairy godmother, as when the occasion calls, she is also a photographer, vintage hairstylist, and pin up/vintage-inspired fashion stylist that make all your dress up dreams come true.

South Africa is home, but now she has traveled across the globe in search of a new adventure. From the plains of Africa to the prairies of Canada she watches as the world passes her by from the window of her Canadian Pacific Railway train. As the changing landscapes transform from mountains to the lowlands, she arrives in a small Alberta town. 

From the train platform, she breathes in the spirit of the True North, strong and free. She smiles as she wanders around the small town where all the people are ever so friendly. Where small-town charm meets the nature of the varying Canadian landscapes. 

She brings with her, not only her vintage charm but her love of fashion and dressing up and her own flair of magic. She explores the many roads where the winds of the Old West still come a blowin’ through. Where good old-fashioned values and a true sense of community transport her back in time to an age where life seemed simpler. 

She discovers that Canada has more to offer than postcard beautiful scenery. She packs in all the memories that she has created with those she has traveled with on the way. She uncovers that the best thing about the Great White North is not the majestic Rockies, the sheer size of the big sky, the smell of snow, or even the thundering hooves of the cowboys on their horses. It is not the pristine blue of the glacier-fed lakes, the charm of the small towns, or even the vibe downtown in the big cities. It is not the magic of glimmering snow and frost on the trees, the rolling yellow hills of canola or the enchanted train rides through endless landscapes and vastly different seasons. She discovers that the best part of Canada is in fact the splendor of its people.

 A Note from True North - Darling Maggie, we miss you. You were an absolute joy to meet and you shine from the other side of the world. I am so thankful you came to Canada and stayed for so long. I am so thankful you made it home safely, Alberta isn’t the same without you! xoxo Kiki Lou

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Keri Looijen Keri Looijen



For Immediate Release

True North Pin Up Magazine Unveils New Brand Identity and Logo

Launching the New Year by stepping into the global market with a more dynamic design

CALGARY, AB - January 11, 2021 - True North Pin Up Magazine, the only Canadian pin up magazine, announced today the launch of its new brand identity and logo. This change comes at a time of evolution, “new normals” and shifting not only in Canada but worldwide.

“In 2020, we have successfully built a community of amazing Canadian pinups, photographers, makers, and shops. Bringing our vast, diverse community into the light and having a platform to celebrate, connect, and revolutionize those involved in the pin up, rockabilly, and vintage communities. We now want to create a platform to expand our reach around the world to highlight the incredible Canadians and our love of all things vintage.”

The re-branded logo is just the beginning step to breaking into the global market. The global pin up community is a large network of empowerment, support, and encouragement. 2020 brought a global pandemic the need for connection has never been stronger. Connecting to a global network has never been more vital.

The new design will work effortlessly across all platforms and mediums including print, digital, and merchandise, opening up new opportunities for the community as a whole.

There will not be a change to content or submissions, it will all stay Canadian. All features will stay Canadian; pin ups, dapper dudes, shops, artists, makers, shops, and photographers.


About True North Pin Up Magazine

True North Pin Up Magazine is Canada’s only pin up magazine. TNPU believes in connecting and revolutionizing the Pin Up Community, and those living and loving the vintage life in Canada. For more information please visit our website Instagram @truenorthpinup. Facebook

Media Contact:

Keri Looijen

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FAQ Keri Looijen FAQ Keri Looijen

FAQ FRIDAY - Why Limited Printing?

We only print a limited number of our editions for a few reasons:

  1. To save trees and keep the landfills smaller

  2. To keep costs low for you

We know that when a huge amount of copies are printed the extras are generally sent to landfills, we aren't cool with that.

To print huge quantities creates a large unsustainable overhead for us, which will lead to higher costs for you, we aren't cool with that either.


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Keri Looijen Keri Looijen

Pre Order Now Open

It’s officially the time to pre-order your copy of the DOUBLE FEATURE Fall/Winter Edition of the Magazine!

Double the feature means double the dolls.

We have an exciting edition to launch this year. We have

  • a fantastic photographer

  • some shops

  • wishlists

  • tips and tricks for the perfect shoot

  • even one super dapper Dude!

Printing the week of November 16, 2020, with shipping close after.

Order here

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Keri Looijen Keri Looijen

How Can We Make True North Better For You?

Hey All You Cool Cats and Kittens!

We are always working hard to make True North Pin Up Magazine to be exactly the community you want to connect with.

With our increase in followers we want to make sure we are continually building better content for you. We want to grow and know what you want us to find and share.

Please help us by filling out this quick anonymous feedback survey so we can create a better community for you! Please take a few minutes to fill out our survey before it closes on November 3, 2020.

Thank you so much for your input!


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Keri Looijen Keri Looijen

The Party of the Pandemic - Rides For Relief 2020

Please join us on Saturday September 19 from 11am - 5pm MST for a kickin good time with

  • 15 of YYC’s Pin Up Dolls

  • 5 of YYC’s kickin Rockabilly Bands

  • 3 of YYC’s Best Hosts

  • Sponsors and local celebrities!

all to support a great cause the Airdrie P.O.W.E.R. Women’s Shelter Campaign. All on Rides For Relief

Our Editor in Chief Keri aka Kiki Lou is also the Founder of Rides For Relief.

Rides for Relief is a car show and fundraiser run BY women, FOR women and families in crisis.

Founded in 2018 by Keri & Tracy, Rides For Relief is a venue to help generate awareness and revenue for local domestic abuse support charities. The 2018 inaugural event came together in two months and raised $2,500 for YWCA Calgary. The 2019 show raised over $3,500 for Airdrie P.O.W.E.R. women's shelter.

Due to the regulations surrounding gathering sizes and events, this year the physical car show has been cancelled. We are pivoting to an online event to continue raising the integral funds through a unique live stream of Pin Up Contest and Rockabilly Concert.

Hosting one of the largest pin up contests in Alberta, the show is a gathering of not only car minded people, but pin ups and vintage lovers alike. The gathering is for giving back and spreading awareness, not just for looking good.

The Pin Up Dolls

Our Dolls have been working hard toward the top title of MISS GRACIOUS they have hit the $2,500 mark!! 

That's only what we can see online, this does not count any cash in hand! 

Let's celebrate our gorgeous dolls and all their hard work by donating to them today! 

Our goal for this event is $5,000 let's break that and shoot higher! All fundraising goes straight to Airdrie POWER Women's Shelter Campaign

Let's knock their socks off and have the most successful event of the year! 

Tune in on September 19 form 11-5 MST for the party of the pandemic at

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Keri Looijen Keri Looijen

Rides For Relief Live Streamed Pin Up Contest Package

We are so excited to bring you our altered version of Rides For Relief.

Rides for Relief is a car show and fundraiser run BY women, FOR women and families in crisis. 

Founded in 2018 by Keri & Tracy, Rides For Relief is a venue to help generate awareness and revenue for local domestic abuse support charities. The 2018 inaugural event came together in two months and raised $2,500 for YWCA Calgary. The 2019 show raised over $3,500 for Airdrie P.O.W.E.R. women's shelter.

Due to the regulations surrounding gathering sizes and events, this year the physical car show has been cancelled. We are pivoting to an online event to continue raising the integral funds through a unique live stream of Pin Up Contest and Rockabilly Concert.

Hosting one of the largest pin up contests in Alberta, the show is a gathering of not only car minded people, but pin ups and vintage lovers alike. The gathering is for giving back and spreading awareness, not just for looking good.

This event isn’t closed to only Calgary and Alberta locals, if you can make it to Calgary for the event sign up! We just need your commitment to the event.

Our impact since 2018 -

  • Over $5,500 raised for local shelters

  • Over 1,100 through the gates

  • Over 240 cars have attended

  • Over 5 local bands showcased

  • Over 40 local pin ups have graced our stage and helped

  • Over 300,000 people reached through various media including:

    • Newspaper

    • Television

    • Radio

    • Social Media

  • Airdrie P.O.W.E.R. Day Shelter -

    • Doors opening mid September 2020

Attached below is our “Pin Up Kit” with registration information and everything you need to know about the event!

We want to see all of you shine and are here to support you 100% of the way!

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Keri Looijen Keri Looijen

Pre Order Now Open

It’s officially the time to pre-order your copy of the Summer 2020 ROAD TRIP Edition of the Magazine!

Printing the week of September 1-6 2020, with shipping close after.

We are so very excited about this edition and navigating the chaos that COVID has brought to us all. It’s a time of celebration, new awareness and a realization that we need to stay connected.

Buy here

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